Software Overview
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Open the Udcap Driver software and insert the glove USB adapter into the computer's USB port.
Press and hold the power button on the glove for 2 seconds to power it on.
The glove icon turning turquoise indicates a successful connection of the glove.
After the glove is successfully connected, click the action calibration button.
Follow the tutorial to perform the three calibration actions: clenching your fist, bringing your five fingers together, and spreading your five fingers apart.
When performing the calibration action of clenching your fist, try to keep the back of your hand facing up. When performing the calibration action of spreading your fingers, try to spread your fingers as wide as possible to achieve better calibration results.
In the software menu, select "Hand Capture" to open or close the hand capture page.
Hold down the right mouse button and drag the page to rotate the hand model. Click the camera button to reset the view.
Click the maximize button on the hand capture page to view the hand capture in a separate window.
The left side of the page shows your calibration results: dark green represents perfect, light green represents excellent, yellow represents good, and red represents poor.
You can switch between displaying the hand model or hand data on the separate page.
Software Menu - Controller: You can open the independent controller page.The VR gloves can cover and map all the operation modes of a general VR controller.
The joystick and A/B buttons have the same logic as a general VR controller.
Thumb bending maps to the TrackPad touchpad.
Index finger bending maps to the Trigger button.
Middle and ring finger bending map to the Grip button.
Pressing the A and B buttons simultaneously maps to the system button.
When using for the first time, it is recommended to calibrate the joystick to ensure accuracy.
Follow the tutorial to perform the two calibration steps: center point calibration and range calibration.
Controller-Set, each button has a selection box. Selection box-checked, the button takes effect. Selection Box-Canceled, the button is disabled. If the button is disabled, the button no longer displays the visual effect of being pressed.
TrackPad, Trigger, Grip have two thresholds.
The previous threshold is the trigger threshold, which represents that the button was touched.
The latter threshold is the click threshold, which means that the button was fully pressed.
The ratio between the two thresholds represents the range value of the button.
On the vibration feedback page, you can click the vibration points to test and experience the vibration effect of the joystick module.
Turning on the hand setting allows you to fine-tune the pitch angle (degree of bending) and yaw angle (degree of indexing) of any sensor.
In the software menu, select "Settings" to open the independent settings page.
Support data transmission in VMC and OSC formats by setting the IP address and port number separately.
In the software menu, select "Spatial Positioning" to open the independent spatial positioning page.
Based on the type of locator you use, select our preset spatial positioning scheme and save it.
If you wish to customize the spatial position of the gloves, you can make adjustments based on the preset scheme and save it.
If you are using a non-Lighthouse tracked headset, you need to install Space Calibrator or other tools to calibrate the spatial position between the headset and SteamVR.